Hungerford - Shalbourne Tree

Job Lovelock + Mary Ann Hoare

1 child

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage January 18, 1874
Citation details: Marriage 1Q 1874, Lovelocke, Job Hungerford 2c 353 (provided by Graham Lovelock)

Marriages Mar 1874 Hoare Mary Ann Hungerford 2c 353 Lovelocke Job Hungerford 2c 353 Mitchell John Hungerford 2c 353 Osmond Charlotte Kate Hungerford 2c 35

Quality of data: primary evidence
Note: Our 'Lovelocks in Berkshire' data indicates that the marriage took place in an unspecified Reading parish, however the registration was definitely in the Hungerford RD.
Census 1881
Note: 67 Mount Street
Census 1901

Note: 61 Sherman Road, Reading, Berkshire, England
Last change August 18, 202415:55:15

by: Graham Lovelock