Wallingford Berks Line

John Frederick Lovelock + Mary Louisa Parsons

7 children
Arthur Lovelock
Birth: December 3, 1871Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: December 5, 1871Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Ethel Mary Lovelock
Birth: June 10, 1873Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: May 27, 1895Albert Park, Victoria, Australia
Eva Lovelock
Birth: March 15, 1877Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: May 26, 1877Ballarat, Victoria, Australia

Parents Grandparents

Family group information
Marriage July 10, 1863
Publication: http://lovelock.free.fr/documents/aus/bmd_vic_au.html

Marriage 1863 LOVELOCK John Frederick and PARSONS Mary Louisa, 2246


Marriage 1863 Australia Lovelock John Frederick [Spouse] Parsons Mary Louise [Copy of certificate held by Shaun Eastment]

Shared note: At time of marriage John Lovelock was 24 and Mary Louise Parsons was only 16 and required her father, Charles Parson's, permission. Banns were proclaimed.
Last change March 21, 201515:01